The wonders of the Meriga Plant

The Moringa plant or tree,  like many other herbal plants is very useful by way of preventing and curing many aliments. 

Wonderful as a tea, it also taste good when added to dishes including soups.

A cup of Moringa Tea and Moringa Coconut Tarts 
  • Some of its benefits and or properties include, vitamins including E, minerals, amino acids,  calcium, and protein.
  • It fights free radicals and all sorts of inflammation. 
  • Helps in the treatment of diabetic conditions. 
  • Greatly assists the brain and heart.
  • Protects the liver and helps heal wounds. 

Many people also attest to Moringa giving them energy, helping with menstrual cramps, growing their hair and helping them loose weight. 

Morning leaves and flowers taken off the branch to be put to dry 
Moringa leaves put in a brown paper bag to be dried. 
Dried Moringa Leaves 
The Moringa plant is easy to grow. Here you can see a piece of the plant submerged in a glass of water. When the plant sprouts roots it can be transplanted into a pot and placed in a cool place outside. After the plant adjusts to its new environment, you can then put it in an area where it will get lots of sunshine and be sure to give it sufficient water. 
Do enjoy your Moringa  
Take a look at this short video of some Moringa leaves put out in the sun on trays to dry. 

I grew up seeing my mother on the sewing machine a lot. Our house was always filled with fabric and I was bitten by the sewing bug at an early age. Today, in addition to Photography, I also make accessories and children’s clothing, under the Your Wardrobe Label.