
A Handmade Elastic Beaded Bracelet or Wrist Band


We just love helping you look your most fashionable. This Handmade Elastic Beaded Wrist Band adds style and cuteness to your wear. With a striking large red center bead as well as square beads and grey and black two color beads your bracelet will stand out.


1 in stock


This Handmade Elastic Beaded Wrist Band adds style to your formal or casual wear.

  • Material: Wooden, Imitation Pearl Beads and Elastic
  • Colour: Grey and White, Read and Black Beads
  • Length: Approximately 9 inches long



I grew up seeing my mother on the sewing machine a lot. Our house was always filled with fabric and I was bitten by the sewing bug at an early age. Today, in addition to Photography, I also make accessories and children’s clothing, under the Your Wardrobe Label.